What You Need to Know About Managed IT Services

IT professionals Managed IT Services

Managed IT services can help your business grow, increase efficiencies, and maintain compliance and security.  Is your IT network managed by a family member? Or perhaps you have a solid IT team that is small and mighty, yet unable to handle the volume of highly specialized projects or keep up with the latest threats to cybersecurity? Well, then it sounds like your company could benefit from our managed IT services 

Even if you do not fall into any of the above categories, let’s learn more about what Managed IT services are, their benefits, and what you need to keep in mind before selecting the right service provider for your needs. Furthermore, everything from websites to online portals and more, almost all organizations in today’s society rely on some IT function to operate. Let’s discover more information about the importance of managed IT services.  

What are Managed IT Services? 

Managed IT services is the outsourcing of IT consultants and service providers to keep your IT department and organization’s needs in order. Think of it as a one-stop shop for all you need to design, develop, and maintain a secure IT infrastructure. Although it sounds simple, there is a lot that goes into these kinds of providers and systems, including training, certifications, understanding the right hardware and software to use, and more. If you are busy operating an entire business, IT is just one more thing added to the to-do list, and managed IT services can make that much simpler for you and your team.  

Benefits of Using Outsourced Managed IT Services  

There are many benefits to outsourcing managed IT services. However, it is an initial financial investment in addition to your business expenditures, the benefits will pay off over time.  

Managed IT Services 

  • Boost Your User Experience  
    • When all processes run smoothly, your systems experience little to no lag and downtime, which means a better user experience for your employees and your clients. Imagine a world where you never have to deal with user issues or the risks of a data breach. Well, that world is possible and within your reach!  
  • Reduce Costs and Saves Money for Your Business  
    • Again, this investment reduces many risks over time and streamlines processes, so you don’t have to worry. Moreover, that means you spend less money over time on IT, cybersecurity, and tech. Therefore, you can put it back in your pockets or spend it on other priorities instead. It’s worth the money upfront, guaranteed.  
  • Provide and Support Infrastructure
    • Sometimes all that is missing from an organization’s IT system is the foundation for actual success. Think of how many websites and web applications feel like they are from the dark ages. It no longer has to be that way! Managed IT services will help project you into the future and ahead of the competition.  
  • Provide the Latest IT Technology and Security  
    • The best aspect of managed IT services is that you won’t have to do any research because we ensure that you always use the most innovative IT support. Additionally, a credible service provider will be able to do that for you.  
  • Protect your Data from Malware and Hackers
    • Information is extremely sought after by hackers, the black market, and people who want to make money off your information. Managed IT services ensure your data privacy and security with ease, efficiency, and responsiveness.  
  • Improve your Integrity with Your Employees and Clients  
    • Demonstrating responsibility and integrity with data and cybersecurity shows your employees and clients that you are dedicated to them. Managed IT services can demonstrate your values without even having to prove or say anything. 

Commonly Used Managed IT Services 

Now that you’ve learned about some benefits, let’s walk through the different managed IT services available to you upfront.  

  1. Set guidelines for clients, employees, and users to protect data and IT usage.  
  2. Provide technical support for in-office and remote users. 
  3. Have secure measures in place for response and data back-up. 
  4. Regular assessment to plan system improvements that match business goals. 
  5. Extra hands during special projects, system upgrades, moves etc.  
  6. Train users in cybersecurity awareness. 
  7. Restrict IT access to only those who truly need to access the system. 
  8. Implement AI to simplify processes and procedures.  
  9. Add multiple layers of authentication to websites, portals, and apps. 
  10. Partake in regular data cleaning and software upgrades. 
  11. Maintain compliance for regulators and Insurance providers 

How to Select a Managed IT Service Provider  

The next level would be outsourcing these services and purchasing an entire IT package through a service provider. Therefore, make sure you check the following when looking for a successful IT provider.  

  1. Research their company background and read their reviews or ask for a referral. 
  2. Ask for an assessment or consultation before purchasing or signing any agreements.  
  3. Compile a list of needs and wants and make sure they can address everything in their package.  
  4. Read through all contracts and ask questions on liability and access before agreeing. 
  5. Set a realistic budget.  

Additionally, these five tips, you should select a service provider for IT based on your location and where you provide services. Therefore, these would be even more critical if you have employees who sit remotely and physically for their services.  

Emeritus is Here for Managed IT Solutions  

Managed IT solutions can benefit your business in many ways. Your business cannot afford to overlook these types of servicesHere at Emeritus, we understand and prioritize modern solutions for your modern workplace IT problems. No matter the technology or software you are using to operate your organization, we come in and provide the expertise needed for seamless transitions and efficient productivity. 

 Our team is ready to help your team and work as one for the improvement of your organization and its processes.  Contact us now to get started! 

