The Benefits of Managed IT Services

Laptop, maintenance or IT woman in server room for research, engineer working in data center. Compu.

When it comes to adding an extra layer of security, reliability, and ability to operate at top capacity, businesses of all sizes rely on managed IT services. Growing in popularity among Fortune 500 companies and small start-up businesses alike, managed IT services are becoming the preferred way to operate in our advanced landscape. All businesses have countless devices and connections required for a company to function. 

However, what are the benefits of managed IT services? How can you identify the top IT support services (in Texas and beyond) outside of a simple “managed IT services near me” online search? 

It starts by understanding what a managed IT services provider can offer your business.  The intricacies of managed IT services and whether your business will benefit – financially and operationally – by employing the skills and dedication of an expert partner.  

What are Managed IT Services? 

Managed IT services are simply defined as delegating the IT operations of a company or organization to a third-party services provider. This certainly includes the basics, like web hosting and customer support. A professional and experienced managed IT services provider will supply miles more than the foundational IT operations. 

Why are Managed IT Services in Demand?

The demand for managed IT services is currently at its peak, and this demand is expected to grow. There are a variety of factors contributing to the rise of managed IT services, but a few key reasons include the following below. 

A Rise in Cyberattacks 

Cyberattacks have been on the rise for the past few years, and this shows no signs of slowing down. From ransomware attacks, where bad actors hold a company’s operations hostage until they are paid a sum, to data breaches, where a single weak spot in a company can lead to sensitive data being exposed and stolen. 

Cyberattacks come in all forms, and cybercriminals are more adept than ever at finding their way into a company’s operations. Certain industries are especially vulnerable, like the medical and healthcare industry. The healthcare industry has been the most targeted sector in the world for cyberattacks for multiple years in a row. 

A Shift to Remote Work 

 Long gone are the days when a business had an in-house “computer tech” who would drift to various workstations at a brick-and-mortar office to perform updates or fix issues. Today, employees, contractors, and customers are connected to a business in a myriad of ways and from various locations. From checking emails on a cell phone to working from home or remote locations on a regular basis, IT services require much more than an in-house team that addresses the devices at a single location. 

 Advancements in Technology, Tools, and Devices 

 As stated, a modern business requires multiple tools, devices, and connections to function, and securing every device requires 24/7 monitoring and constant attention. Updates and upgrades must be performed in a timely manner to keep software and devices secure. Additionally, IT personnel must stay ever vigilant for the latest methods and attacks that cybercriminals develop every day (and every minute) to gain access to a business.  

As such, without a team of experts who are adept at all technological advancements and evolutions as they occur, it’s easy for issues and potential weak spots to slip through the cracks. Again, this is especially true in the healthcare industry. Doctors, technicians, nurses, and staff use countless web-connected devices to perform their jobs daily.  

What Does a Managed IT Services Resource Provide? 

The exact details of what a managed IT service provider can do for your company vary widely and can be based on your budget, specific needs, and current and future workplace. But generally speaking, exceptional service providers cover the following below and then some. 

General IT Services and Support   

An IT services provider will handle the following:  

  • your website hosting  
  • all of your hardware and devices  
  • tackle device and application integrations  
  • provide cloud services  
  • oversee data storage  
  •  backup procedures  
  • provide updates and upgrades as needed  

They will also provide round-the-clock support to help monitor, troubleshoot, and evolve for everyone under your company’s umbrella.
This means your business will have a single, reliable point of contact whenever there is an IT-related question. This means you won’t have to contact various vendors or software/hardware suppliers when an issue arises. 

IT Security Management  

 Another instrumental job of a managed IT services provider is to keep your data, personnel, and your business safe from malicious cyberthreats. This includes resolving cybersecurity gaps and repairing computer viruses as they arise. But more importantly, it involves taking proactive measures to keep your company safe.  

An expert managed IT services provider will add new features to your device software, monitor recent trends in cyberattacks, and regularly update and monitor your internet connected devices to identify minor issues before they become a company-wide catastrophe.  

Identifying Ways to Advance and Grow Your Company  

 From better data management and backup processes to faster connections in remote locales, a managed IT services provider will identify steps you can take to operate faster, smoother, and more productively. An IT services provider should effectively be a partner and a teammate – a resource that tailors their services and actions to your specific company. Also, managed IT support services find ways for your personnel to save time, money, and resources on day-to-day tasks. 

“Where Do I find Managed IT Services Near Me?” It Starts with a Conversation with Emeritus 

At Emeritus, we are adept at providing the best managed IT services possible, and we work with our clients on a one-on-one level to tailor our services to their unique needs. We’re experts in the healthcare industry, where IT services are the most valuable and complicated. However, every business can benefit from the expertise we provide. 

 Let’s discuss how we can help your company perform at its best. From security protection to new resources that give you the tools you need to connect at the office or in the field. Emeritus is your best resource for managed IT services that go miles beyond the basics. 

 Reach out to us today.  

